Private Medical Insurance

With private medical insurance you will have access to private facilities for diagnoses and medical treatment for acute conditions. The NHS is often stretched and speed of access to comfortable, private hospital facilities may make a huge difference to both mental and physical wellbeing. We can help find the right solution to ensure that you get best value, as well as providing peace of mind.

SME / Corporate

We provide tailored plans to offer health insurance for employees, which can make a significant difference to their ability to return to work more quickly with prompt diagnosis and treatment. Private treatment can be highly effective in offering a course of therapy to cope with many common causes of absence, such as muscular skeletal problems or mental health.

As part of a working contract, these benefits are widely recognised to have great value and can be instrumental in attracting and retaining employees.


We can assist you – with a personal, tailored plan – to protect yourself and your loved ones by gaining swift access to advice and treatment.

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